Craft a stunning resume and secure your dream job!

How critical is your resume? Extremely. You don’t get a second chance to make a solid first impression! It is a record of all your accomplishments - your snapshot to a potential employer. You may have stellar achievements, but if they are not compiled in an impressive manner, you risk losing your job before starting it.

A crisp, error-free and coherently presented resume allows you to make an instantaneous positive impact. A well-constructed resume should document your skills and convince the selection team about your exceptional candidature.

Top 5 tips for building a strong resume:

1) Organize your content chronologically –

No one has the time to read an ‘Inception’ like document. Jumping dates is very annoying for a reader. A linear documentation of your achievements and skills makes an easy read and ensures that your progress is highlighted.

2) Quantify your achievements –

Putting a number magnifies impact of the action. See what a difference it makes when you write ‘Profit for the year rose from Rs.50,000 to Rs.1 crore’ rather than writing ‘Profit for the year rose 2 times’. The second statement leaves room for doubt giving rise to conjecture – ‘What if the profit for last year was only Rs.10,000?’

3) Identify accomplishments and do not just list job descriptions. –

It is important to highlight your endeavors and not just describe the role. Everyone knows what a sales profile involves. But mentioning you ‘Closed 5 sales with top 5 clients’, is what will set you apart.

4) Begin your statements with action words –

Achieved, adapted, addressed, administered, advised, analyzed, arranged…These are just words beginning with A! The list can go on and they create a massive effect from the word go.

5) Don’t make things up or accentuate successes -

It is imperative to be authentic. A small white lie on a submitted document will not bode well in the future. More importantly, you must be true to yourself.

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