What is an SOP?
For students, the objective of an SOP (Statement of Purpose) is to improve their chances of getting admitted into the school of their choice by sprucing up their applications.
How to write an SOP?
Various aspects have to be factored in while writing an SOP.
Why do you want to study only this degree/program?
Students need to explain in detail why they have chosen a particular degree/program by stating how it suits their educational qualifications and their future plans.
Why do you want to study at this particular college/university?
Students need to explain that the specific college/university they choose would satisfy their career path objectives.
Why did you choose to study in this particular country?
Students should mention how studying in a country they have chosen would add value to their profile and its other attractive options.
What are your plans after your graduation/post-graduation?
Students would have to mention unambiguously if they would want to work or pursue higher education.
What are your expectations from both the graduate program and the university?
Candidates should state separately what they would gain from the graduate program and the university, as well.
How can you contribute to our university and our program?
Students should state their interests or strengths and how they may help the university and the program they have opted for.
Apart from work and education, what are your hobbies, interests, and habits?
A response is elicited to know how hobbies, interests and habits of each student can make them stand apart in their college/university.
What are you like, as a person? Tell more about your personality.
The intention behind this question is to understand how a particular student would fit into the college/university’s scheme of things.
Why do you think you will fit in this program?
Candidates will have to state in a convincing manner how they are well suited for this program.
What is that one unique aspect/characteristic about you that we should know?
Candidates need to tell from their own experiences what they think is a unique trait they possess.
Who can write your SOP?
A professionally qualified writer who can best put your thoughts in writing.
When do you write your SOP?
SOPs are written by students when they submit their applications to study abroad in universities/college.
Importance of a LOR:
Letters of recommendation are essential when applying to a college/university abroad.
How should a LOR be written?
A LOR is written in a formal way detailing a student’s educational qualifications and his/her achievements in their school and college.
Who can write your LOR?
A teacher or a professor who you have been associated with and has the aptitude to present your profile in an eye-catching manner.
When do you write your LOR?
LORs are written just before students submit their applications to study abroad in universities/colleges.
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