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Big data | Indore

All of these are chunks of data you have been generating for companies and brands that come back to you as better and personalized services. If you have used Google Maps or Apple’s Siri, you will notice that both the applications got better over time and started coming up with responses that made sense. Enter the world of Machine Learning powered by Big Data. Today, generating data by an individual is inevitable, and with almost every service going online, you are creating data sets voluntarily or involuntarily.

Big Data: The Current Scenario

Now that we’ve discussed how data has become an integral part of our everyday lives, you would want to know how companies are using it for a myriad of services directed towards you.

Organizations both big and small, are opening up to the importance of data and the amount of impact it can bring in to organizations. They also are reinvesting in Big Data, and it’s allied technologies to make informed decisions. Right from optimizing their supply-chain systems and workflow management to enhancing customer experience and maintaining attrition, they are resorting to data for every decision. In fact, even a concern as simple as getting a coffee machine in a cafeteria is data-driven. From all of these, we can for sure say that the future of Big Data looks strong and undisputed.

With technologies like artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, and IoT also relying solely on Big Data, this is really the technology of future. For those of you intending to switch from an IT based profession to something more rewarding and lucrative, note that this technology is future-proof where the importance of it will only get finer and disruptive in time. To help you come out of that hesitation in career switch, we have come up with a sequential analysis of the future of big data analytics.

Big Data in the Year 2020

This industry has been evolving since the day of its inception and touching industries and companies for the better. As it continues to impact companies, the future of big data regarding its market share and patronage around the globe is only expected to increase manifold by the year 2020.

According to estimates, it is revealed that the global market share of big data and its allied technology is expected to reach approximately $57 billion by the year 2020. The US is the forerunner in the generation, consumption and deployment of data and this technology and is followed by India. Researchers also revealed that India would grow to become an $8 billion industry by 2020, generating a need for over 50,000 skilled Big Data experts and data scientists. This is happening as well. If you look at our salary study, you will realize the demand for experts are simply on the rise in India and abroad.

In the coming months, IT professionals will switch from their current career path to a career in Big Data and take home salaries more than an average IT professional and enjoy a perfect work-life balance as well. The industry will continue to evolve regarding innovative applications and fields and realms that operated conventionally so far will resort to data for decisions. One classic example is HR analytics, where HR associates are ups killing to Big Data analytics for optimized decisions on wage differences, appraisals, recruitment, budgeting and retrenchment. We, at Digital Vidal, foresee a world that is simply data-driven and consumers and experts are making a world that is smart, intuitive, responsive and responsible. If you share our vision, it is time you switch to Big Data because as you know, the future of big data is intense and the technology is here to stay.

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