Your aspiration to attend a top graduate school is greatly dependent on one vital factor, your GRE score. A good GRE score is an ace up your sleeve and an authorized educational permit to reputed universities and much sought after graduate programs. GRE scores play a crucial role not only in helping one get admission in prestigious programs but also facilitates lucrative scholarships, fellowships and grants. Moreover with a better GRE score, one has an upper hand in getting your education funded from reliable financial institutions.
Before you decide whether to take preparatory classes or not you must take a diagnostic test to ascertain where you stand. If you score 315 or above, you are already on the road to success and you do not need to take preparatory classes. If your score is less than this threshhold number, then it is advisable to consider preparatory classes.
An effective GRE regimen can be worked out by getting enrolled with a good test prep program which offers following advantages:
While one is self-motivated to excel in GRE, an external stimulus goes a long way in inspiring him/her towards accomplishing their GRE goals. It is similar to running a marathon, where the other people running with you inspire you to continue.
You get a conducive, inspiring and a tailor-made environment that helps you in making an organized strategy for study
You are able to beat the test anxiety powerfully while training yourself with effective time management methodologies
While you learn from your mistakes, you do so with the mistakes of others as well
Your facilitators help you not only in identifying and working on your weak areas which you might not even be aware of but also help you hone your strengths to its optimum level
Your facilitators will familiarize you with strategies that will help you save time and increase your efficiency
You will invariably start falling into a routine without even realizing it.
Your study becomes more structured and disciplined and you start getting comfortable with the idea of GRE exams by repeatedly solving test papers
You get speedy support and guidance while reviewing your answers and a fresh perspective also helps you brush up your own perspective
Doubt clearing sessions as well as personalized one-on-one sessions is an essential part of such programs.
Practice sessions, Mock tests, study material, online library offer a rich resource
You get to know about recently asked GRE questions and latest updates by ETS. For example: You might not know whether 0 is an odd or an even number but from GRE perspective it is an even number
Once you join a Test Prep class, periodic exams will help you in mapping your progress. On the basis of your current capabilities and areas of improvement, a Road map is chalked out for you
Joining a test prep class is like joining a gym. Though you might know the benefits of a healthy fitness regimen, you may not always follow it but when you enrol yourself with a fitness program, it becomes a part of your routine to attend. In the same way, joining Test Prep class invariably enhances your skill sets, improves your approach, and makes you more disciplined and competent to take the GRE.
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