South Korea is a wonderful choice whether you're learning the language or exploring this dynamic, economic powerhouse through your studies. Understanding the local culture, both inside and outside the classroom, is beneficial for your success, just as it is in any other country.
7 paths to success during study abroad in South Korea
1. Make an effort to learn Korean.
Perhaps you arrived, tried to learn a few lines, but then got caught up in your daily routine and now speak English as much as possible. It's all too easy to fall into this trap while studying in South Korea, so don't! When you strive to speak Korean and put yourself in different circumstances, you'll get the most out of your study abroad experience in South Korea.
2. Attend class and actively participate in the learning process.
It's an annoying (and self-evident) piece of advice, but pay attention to it! The grading system in many countries differs significantly from that in the United States. Unlike in the United States, your grade in South Korea may be dependent solely on a few tests and one big paper, rather than smaller assignments, "participation" points, and other factors. So that your GPA doesn't plummet, prepare for these major tasks and assessments. Finally, on that subject...
3. Talk to a professor if you're not sure where you stand.
If you're unsure, ask for clarification. It is best to do this well before your final grade is announced. Find out how to format a paper and what topics will be on the big exam.
4. No red ink
In Korea, writing someone's name in red ink is considered impolite. Red ink was used to write the names of deceased persons in the past because of this cultural tradition. As superstition goes, if you write someone's name in this hue, you're wishing them evil. If you must use a red pen, do not use it to jot down the names of your new best friends.
5. Get rid of your hoodies and sweatpants
At home, arriving late for your 8:00 a.m. lesson may entail wearing your most comfortable jeans. Korean pupils are more formal in their approach. There is a strong emphasis on looks, therefore dressing appropriately for the class is essential. (Don't worry; on Sunday morning, you can lounge around in your onesie!)
6. Download the important apps
These apps will make your South Korea study abroad experience more enjoyable, especially when you become used to the country and begin to navigate the streets and meet new people:
Kakao Talk (Sometimes called the KaTalk). Similar to WhatsApp, it is South Korea's most popular free messaging program.
Kakao Metro. Utilize this to traverse Seoul's, Busan's, and other cities' subway systems.
Naver Map. This is Korea's version of Google Maps, with additional features. It's quite popular and beneficial.
7. Explore the nation
You chose to study abroad in South Korea for a reason, so make the most of your time in the nation. There are so many things to see in South Korea when studying abroad, from historic temples to Seoraksan National Park.
It's simple to get around safely in South Korea. You can go by ferries to the islands or by bus or rail throughout the country. There are express trains (KTX) and slower regional trains. Pack your luggage and have a good time!
You WILL succeed in South Korea!
Whether this is your first time traveling overseas or not, choosing to study in South Korea provides an opportunity to learn about not just South Korean culture but also university life. It's a fantastic opportunity to get fresh insights not only from your classes but also from your day-to-day events that take you safely outside of your comfort zone.
Do your best to learn the language and culture of the country you are visiting while you are overseas. You will succeed in South Korea if you keep an open mind and embrace new experiences!